
Loving God, Serving Others


January 17, 2025

Chilly Salutations, Saints!
Looks like we’ll finally get the cold we need to kill the unwanted bugs that mess with our plants (at least that’s what I heard was necessary years ago). We can do it. Here we are, half way thru January. March isn’t too far away! At least we’re gaining daylight. 
I’m almost done with my slow walk thru the psalms. One thing that has struck me is the number of times the psalmist prays about the enemy. We’re not battling Canada or Mexico now (at least not physically), so how might this apply? You and I have an enemy of our souls. We’re told to ‘submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.’ (James 4:7). Certainly praying against the enemy in our lives is resisting. Be on guard for accusation, deception and temptation. Jonathan Roumie, the actor who portrays Jesus in The Chosen wears a hat that says in small letters, “Not Today, Satan.” We can say “No!” in Jesus name and pray for safety and deliverance. Jesus taught us to pray ‘lead us not into temptation and deliver us from the evil one.’ Stay strong and be alert.
What’s Goin’ On…
*Tomorrow, Rick will pick up teaching Anchor Point at 8:30am. He’ll continue his series on the Measure of a Man. Saturday? It’s on Masculinity. Sounds very interesting!
*Sunday is the last day to submit questionnaires for Secret Sisters. Get ‘er done!
*The LOTR movie, Fellowship of the Ring, will be shown in the fellowship hall this Sunday starting at 1:30. Bring a snack and a comfy chair.
*The Discovery Class, a first step toward membership, will be after the service on Jan 26. It’ll be an hour and a half max. We’ll figure something out for lunch. You gotta sign up so we can plan; the list is on the table in the fellowship hall. 
This Sunday…
Vickie will continue her series on Being Light in Ace at 9, and the Story Hour downstairs will continue to read on Jim Elliot (I get to read!). In the service, we’ll worship and hear from Genesis 42, where Joseph’s brothers are reminded of their guilt. Their consciences are working! That’s a good thing. 
See you Sunday?
Pastor Rob
p.s. Deep Thots: “Every time you clean something, you make something else dirty.”





