
Loving God, Serving Others


December 27, 2024
Late December Salutations, Saints!
I trust you’ve had a good Christmas and are now relaxing as best you can. In the overall scheme of things, one wishes the holidays were a bit more spread out… instead we have a freight train of holidays bearing down on us, starting with the end of October, barreling thru Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. January is a bit barren in that way (that’s why playoff football was invented). February almost solely belongs to Valentine’s Day. But then we’re in March, with the clocks going back to normal and a hint of spring in the air. If the trees are budding, that’s holiday enough. May your New Year’s Eve and Day be restful.
Speaking of NYE, there’s a community prayer event at the Gathering House, 733 W. Garland, starting at noon on NYE and going to noon on New Year’s Day. Prayer and worship are the focus, thanking God for what he has done and asking and believing him for what will come. Prayer is the key in seeing God’s hand move in our midst and in our region. 
I am blown away by your generosity! Our Advent Offering for water wells and ministry in India has reached $16,255!! Add to that the $6000 from our reserves, and we’re over 20K!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Earlier, when I informed the missionary who’s at work in India about the offering, he said, “Don’t forget to pray for our work here.” (That sounds just like a missionary, right? THEY know how important prayer is!) Great reminder. Let’s add to our financial gifts the prayer that God goes ahead and uses it all mightily in India. Pray that Paul Wigg and his team will have the wisdom to use the resources in the best way possible, and that hearts are open to Jesus in India.
This Sunday, we’ll have all the usual suspects: Story Hour downstairs at 9, Ace upstairs with a teaching on our identity in Christ. In the service, we’ll worship, pray and hear from Pastor Rick on being certain about your eternal destiny.  
See you Sunday?
Pastor Rob





