
Loving God, Serving Others


October 18, 2024
Mid-October Salutations, Saints.
I’m trying out a new font size today. Last week I saw what my 18 font printed Blast looks like, and it seemed too small (Melissa sends a printed Blast to a few who don’t have internet access). I don’t know about you, but I recently bumped up my reading glasses to 2.5. I have a new appreciation for bright lights and larger print. (Huh. How did that happen??)
In my daily psalm readings, I’ve noticed a theme: God is the God of justice. There’s a lot of praise aimed at Jehovah because he comes to judge the earth. For those of us bothered by the evil we see, that is good news. For those of us with insight to see the evil within us, that’s concerning. God doesn’t just judge the evil out there, he judges our personal evil as well. Fortunately, judgment for the believer’s sin has been placed on Jesus at the cross. Whew!  But… we will still be judged by God for what we did with what we were given (see 1 Corinthians 3:12-15). Hallelujah for grace, mercy and time to change.
Don’t Forget…
*The prayer challenge until the election: join us on Mondays, 3-4pm or Thursdays 7:3–8:30am in the fellowship hall. We’re focusing on the election and our nation as well as the usual items. Our country needs it.
*Anchor Point teaching on the measure of a man happens tomorrow, Saturday, at 8:30am. Rick leads. 
*The monthly High School gathering for fellowship, games, study and food (bring snacks) is on for tomorrow, Saturday, from 1-5pm. Bring a friend!
*This is the last Sunday to purchase tickets for the Showers of Blessings quilt raffle, only one buck. Support this ministry in their service to moms-to-be, young moms and their young children. The drawing is next Saturday, at…
*The Craft Fair, with bake sale and lunch to purchase is on for NEXT Saturday at the church, 9-4pm. 
*The Men’s Retreat is just three weeks away, Nov 8-10! Sign up after the service this Sunday.  AND
*Don’t forget the OCC shoeboxes: bless a child around the world. Grab the info and box in the foyer and have it back by Nov 24.
This Sunday…
*We support Will & Eva, missionaries in Chile. Will will be here to give a report! Come on down at 9 where Will informs us about their ministry and family. He’ll take the entire time in Ace. 
*In the service, we’ll have a gospel themed worship. I’ll be back in Genesis again, in the tricky section of Dinah’s rape (*gulp*), chapter 34. How in the world might we apply this scripture?? AND…
*After the service we’ll enjoy food and fellowship with one of our quarterly potlucks. Bring one of your good recipes! If your last name starts with A-M, bring a main dish and a salad or side. If N-Z, bring a main dish and dessert. Yum. 
See you Sunday?
Pastor Rob
Deep Thots: 250 pounds on Earth is 94.5 pounds on Mercury. I’m not overweight, I’m just not on the right planet.

