Sewing Group
Do you like to sew or quilt? Come to sew on your own projects or quilts. Or we have supplies to make charity quilts for the needy in our area. We have a few sewing machines available but encourage you to bring your own along with your basic sewing supplies
AWANA 7th-12th Grade
Operation Christmas Child Packing Party
AWANA K-6th Grade
Veteran's Day - Wear your Red, White and Blue!
Morning Prayer
We will have our Thursday morning prayer meeting in the conference room. Join us as we seek God for his move among us and in our community
Sewing Group
Do you like to sew or quilt? Come to sew on your own projects or quilts. Or we have supplies to make charity quilts for the needy in our area. We have a few sewing machines available but encourage you to bring your own along with your basic sewing supplies
AWANA 7th-12th Grade
Wear Red, White and Blue to honor Veterans
Morning Prayer
We will have our Thursday morning prayer meeting in the conference room. Join us as we seek God for his move among us and in our community