Island Mission International Network of Church Planters, Inc.
Our mission is to send out church planters to the unreached peoples of the world to start church planting movement for transformation.
Pastor Herbie has been involved in church planting and pastor training all over South East Asia since 1985. He is currently working in Metro Manila.
Pastor Herbie is also working in partnership with the Bible League Philippines; DAWN 2000 movement; Lausanne Philippine Partners; Church Planters League Intl; and with Wycliffe Philippines.
Island Mission International Network of Church Planters, Inc.
%Pastor Herbie Carmona
Block 8 Lot 3 Cheroke St. Menzyland, Mojon
Malolos City 3000 Philippines
Prayer Focuses:
- Pray for 19 future missionaries being trained for cross cultural church planting. They are trained to use Oral Strategies such as Storytelling to communicate the scriptures and eventually plant churches to Bible-less Unreached People Groups in Africa, India and South East Asia.
- Pray for more than a hundred church planters being trained this year for local ministry in coordination with The Bible League-Philippines and Church Planters League Inc.
- Pray for the new curriculum being developed by Pastor Herbie Carmona for cross-cultural church planting, discipleship and evangelism in South East Asia.
- Pray for his wife and 5 sons. All of them are in various church ministries.
- Pray for his plan to finish his Doctoral studies at Asian Theological Seminary in Cross Cultural Studies. He has already an MA in Missions.
- Pray for his health. Currently he was diagnosed with clogged arteries that caused his hypertension and renal (kidney) failure.