Spokane County Jail Ministry

Spokane County Jail Ministry

The jail ministry began in 1977 with the goal of presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are incarcerated and extends to their families.  Roger and Sonny, and about 20 volunteers, minister to around 650 inmates and their families.  Each year more than 25,000 new inmates are admitted and approximately 1,500 make decisions for Christ.

At the request of the Sheriff, Roger and Sonny are also operating the Chaplain’s program at the Geiger Correctional Center.  This adds about 400-500 inmates to the ministry.  Between the two centers, they are now conducting services from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm on Sundays.

A large part of this ministry is Bible distribution.  The work impacts not only the inmates, but officers as well.

For more information:

(509) 477-2458


Prayer Focuses

  • More Bibles
  • Additional Funding
  • Many are coming to Christ each week, so please pray for the follow-up and discipleship.